Saturday 11 December 2010


RouletteStar is someone who I don't know very well, but I would love to know better. From how I watch her around FA she is part of the younger generation and is very lively! Josee is much loved around FA for her friendlyness and is quite trustworthy. Her medolls represent HER not anyone else, not a fake person, her real self. I like that, it shows her real character. RouletteStar is a person you can count on, to tell and to help, she's very active in FA and when gone, missed. RouletteStar would make a great friend and you should definately click the "send request" button on her epic page!

I don't know you too well which is baaaaad. We've said many times, "Haha yeahh we've gotta talk more!" But have never talked. Pmsl xD This is our chance, You like my hyperness and i like your liveliness, its epic. Dont change 'cause we've got so much to talk about seein' as we're not classed as "proper" friends yet xD Im glad you like me and i obviously like youu!

I luff youu and so does FA.



Undefined. Is a strong character that has been in FA for a long long time, Undefined. has an amazing set of medolls and a unique personality (in a really good way). Undefined is a very very very very good friend whome I love! Her style is really inventive and her suite is soo creative. Undefined. is the type of friend you couldn't live without, smart, funny, original and comforting. Undefind. is a very special and unique person. :]

I Luff you, you've been so kind to me, please try not to change! Thanks for being my friend, I hope we stay friends!
R-Ridiculously Great
Y-Ygreat xD

I Luff yuhh and so does FA!



  Kitkatty101, Again another woahh person. I Luff Yuhh because you like the way I am, you dont  
  want me to change. You like that I'm mental and I like that your have random spazm fits aswell  
  xD We've only known each other a couple of weeks but already I have fallen in Luff with you +  
  your medollies! You are so HAPPY All the time and that puts a positive impact on a lot of mem
  bers in FA. You are special to a lot of people and have such a friendly, happy-go-lucky way of 
  life! Kitkatty101 is a great friend and i am soo glad i made friends with her!

Woahhh you sure your real? Your so kind and funny I mean oskol! That is so normal xD
Please, stay my friend, you put such a happy impact on me i feel so good all the time and when I need to reply to your GB comment im like YAYYY :D Oskol :DThanks For Being A GREAT Friend!



Where do I begin? Do I begin at the fact that we luff each other just as much? The fact that we're both mental? The breathtaking medolls? Pah... Whatever You get the Message, This Kid Is So Freakin Amazing i dont know where to start. Shes Mental, But im Mentaller xD And I Luff her soooo much :D kelly10kool is so understanding and completely understands my hard mind. She helps me with math equations and questions me on my dino-abilities, Kelly10kool's medolls are some of the MOST original medolls in FA, no-one has one like her and thats like 1% Of the reason why I Luff her!

You. Are. Gahhhh. So. So. So. Fun. Funny. Helpful. And Mental.
I Luff you too absolute PIECES, Your awesome and without YOU? I would literally be going mental with angryness, from losing a mental partner xD, Youu are one of the most amazing characters in FA! Really? Hell yeahh!
I Luff you and so does FA



Fizzpixel is a person of originality, a person who is looked up to be a lot of people.
It took me a while to get used to Fizzpixel and become friends with her but really? Shes as soft as a big fluffy teddy bear :] Fizzpixel's medolls represent creativity and effort. She's a great friend and in times of need Fizzpixel can help, she makes sure you dont feel left out and knows when your sad. She doesn't ignore you like some people, she takes care and makes sure you always have a friend to turn to in our big FA Family.

You have always been there for me, we are different in many ways but we still luff each other, your kind and thoughtful and have the most amazing medolls i have ever ever seen. I Luff you and FA  Does to. Without you FA wouldnt live, we need your Christmassy spirit right now as you put bright big smiels on our faces. Please, stay my friend forever, your so special and im sure FA Feels the same way.



MissAmy11233, Is some awesome human...or alien... dun dun dun dun dun dun dun...
dont worry your little eyes im only kiddin'! MissAmy11233 had a little break from stardoll, but, because FA Luff her so much she came back to show her true colours. Her true colours, are, so, amazingly AWESOME!! MissAmy11233 has been so kind to me and the rest of FA. She sticks up for her friends and has some great peacemaking abilities! There's been a lot of Drama in FA Atm but MissAmy11233 is one of the special people that cares for every generation in FA Whether its the 8-10yr olds or 11-16yr olds or older! MissAmy11233 listens to everyone and has a great deal of respect to give out, I look up to you for that.

Again. dont change. Your lovely and funny and you are one of the friends that i NEVER Want to lose. Even if we never see each other. Your smart and always smilling. At the computer screen. Im so glad ive been blessed enough to become your friend.



Is this kid REAL?!?! Earth needs more people like this goddess sent from heaven!
rebeccah1996 is a friendly girl who picks her friends carefully, rebeccah1996 is what I call and FAOriginal, she is one of the older sisters who looks after younger people and takes them under her wing. When you celebrate and want a V.Party go to rebeccah1996, shes always happy for you and you need her to make your life heaven.

You. Are. So. Freakin. Gawjuss.
I Luff you. No more said. Your amazing, beautiful, kind, funny, nice, friendly....etc...

I Luff you and so does FA.
I NEVER want to lose you.
